DUCOM Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group

DUCOM Diagnostic Radiology Interest Group is a student organization, which facilitates exploration of the field of Diagnostic Radiology for medical students, especially during the preclinical phases of education. The focus of the radiology interest group is to provide opportunities and information for students who are curious about the field of diagnostic radiology and to connect those students with shadowing opportunities. The group leadership will plan and host educational events throughout the school year, such as clinical skills simulation workshops, specialty-specific discussions and seminars, and networking mixers. In addition to these offerings, the radiology interest group will foster vertical collegiality by connecting first- and second-year students with students who are further along on the radiology pathway.

For more information, please contact us at ducom.radiology@gmail.com.

Upcoming Events

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© 2020 Drexel University College of Medicine
Student Government Association
2900 W. Queen Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19129